
Origen: The Song of Songs, Commentary and Homilies is unavailable, but you can change that!

Origen’s Commentary on the Song of Songs, widely regarded as the first great work of Christian mysticism, is characterized by extraordinary intellectual depth and spiritual understanding. The Homilies, also reflecting profound insight, were likely written only a short time after the Commentary.

thy kindred, and out of thy father’s house, he did not delay, but did as he was told forthwith. And he did more even than that: even on hearing that he was to sacrifice his son, he does not hesitate, but complies with the command and, to give an example to those who should come after of the obedience in which moral philosophy consists, he spared not his only son.77 Isaac also is an exponent of natural philosophy, when he digs wells and searches out the roots of things.78 And Jacob practises the inspective
Pages 45–46